So I just screwed up my big personal project for January, so in leu of that, here's my seamstress tag!
1) Who are you?
Mary Ethel Rockcastle, 24 year old sewist/illustrator/maker currently living in my hometown of Rochester, NY. I graduated Parsons the New School of Design in 2015 with a BFA in illustration. This is widely regarded as the best fashion school in the country of america and I never took a fashion class.
2) When & why did you start sewing?
My grandma taught me to sew as a kid, basic machine usage and maintenance, how to read a pattern, basically everything I really needed to know. I didn’t sew much between the ages of 13-20, but when I went to college I got into embroidery. A smidgen of internet notoriety for embroidery lead me to a job at Purl Soho. Working at Purl really inspired me to make my own clothes, especially as I learned more about the issues in the fast fashion industry. Now I’m trying to blend the love of illustration with my love of sewing by designing my own fabric.
3) What is your favorite or proudest make?
My most beloved make is the quilt I made for my senior thesis in illustration. I illustrated the panels, had them printed on fabric using spoonflower, and made my first real quilt with them. It’s definitely not the most technically professional quilt I’ve ever seen, but when you spend a year making something it grows on you a little bit.
4) What is your most disastrous make?
Too many to count. The most recent is a gaudy valentines dress I took time to make while I’m really busy, and it was a total failure. I sized down the bodice but didn’t account for my huge boobs, so it resulted in serious pancake boobs. Super flat pancakes. Crepe boobs, if you will. And even with the crepe boobs, the waist was too long and baggy. I’m still feeling a little bit burned by it but I think i’ll get over it soon.
5) Where is your favorite place to go fabric shopping?
New York, definitely. It pains me to live in a place with only a Joann Fabrics after living in New York. I like Mood, but it’s probably not my favorite. I’d say my all time favorite has to be Purl Soho still. It makes me nostalgic from working at the fabric table. I also really liked District Fabrics in Seattle which I visited while staying with my best friend.
6) What is your most used pattern?
Probably a tie between Tilly and the Buttons’ Francois and Merchant and Mills’ trapeze dress.
7) Your most dreaded sewing task is…
Putting. In. Zippers. Something about me is just unable to get a zipper right. They always come out wonky, and after I grew like invisible zippers, they started busting in the waist and now we’re back to where we started.
8) And your favorite sewing task?
I just received a serger for christmas and I do have to say that every time I use it I feel like I’m performing a magic trick. It’s so satisfying.
9) What is your favorite 'sewing entertainment’?
I am definitely a netflix binger. I just work better with a show on in the background. MY boyfriend just showed me how to download netflix shows to use off data on my phone (studio has no wifi) so I’m currently watching Jane the Virgin while I sew.
10) Printed or PDF?
I mean, in a perfect world they would all be printed in nice packaging with good instructions. But due to funds and location, it’s mostly PDF these days.
11) What sewing machine do you use?
To be honest, I’m not 100% sure. My grandma collects sewing machines and just kind of sends them down to me when I send one to sewing machine heaven. I’m pretty sure the one I’m using right now is a Viking. My serger is the trusty Brother 1034D.
12) Do you have any other hobbies?
Knitting is my main distressing activity, which I don’t have enough time for anymore. Drawing, reading comics, writing comics. Writing in my journal, petting dogs. Exploring around the city, tasting all the burritos. I’m also a full time florist, but that’s less of a hobby and more of a skill.